Monday, June 28, 2010

The lake! Yeah!!

We love the lake! The kids love playing at the "beach" (Elle more so than Reese) and riding the jet ski. We finally got it back up and running this year, it has been a couple of years since we have used it. Reese was a little harder to convince as to the fun factor on the jet ski, but she finally started wanting to go on it a little by the end of the day. She just likes to sun bathe and dip the top of her head in the water every once in a while. Oh, and don't forget having to go pee every 20 minutes (meaning a hike up to the bathrooms every time). And let me just tell you how much I hate potty breaks in a wet bathing suit with sand everywhere. You can only imagine...

Whoa! Incoming, incoming! Elle was loving some frisbee action and she started to get pretty good at throwing it. Catching was another story.

This was about as much water action as the "sun bathing princess" got, aside from being on the jet ski. I just can't figure it out because she loves swimming lessons. Go figure!

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