Sorry everyone this might be a long one. There were just too many cute pictures and songs. My sweet little Elle graduated from Kindergarten today and is now a first grader:(. I seriously cannot believe how fast this year has gone, I never thought she would be done with kindergarten. She is not a school lover, however, and has been watiing for the day that school would be out for summer. I don't know why, though, because after a couple of days she is bored of being home all the time. End of school for Elle, however, also means end of school for me!! YEAH!! Substituting is a lot more tiring than you would think. Anyway, the kids sang some songs and got little diplomas for graduation and then we took Elle out to lunch and she chose Chili's (her favorite restaurant). So here are some pics and videos of graduation.

Elle and two of her best friends, Jacob and Kylie

Elle and Mrs. Barnes

They got a little bored while everyone else was getting their diplomas

Elle and one of her EDK teachers, Ms. Tami

Okay, now here is the long part, some videos of the songs they did, but they were all so cute I had to post them.
So I could only get one of the videos to post right now, I will try and do the other ones later when I have more patience:)